Saturday, December 27, 2008


christmas time really is the best time of the year. everyone is just a little nicer and more pleasant, even when everthing around them is crazy and hectic. really spending time with the family is great. each year on christmas eve, we play this game where one person hides a pickle ornament on the tree and everyone else has to find it. whoever finds it with the fastest time wins the present. usually it's a game that we can all play together. this year it was a dice game called farkle. ha, i can't explain it so if you haven't heard of it and care that much go google it. so that was fun. then christmas morning, we got up and went to heather and matt's for breakfast. once we came home i planned on taking a nap- i had to wake up a little earlier than i would have liked- but i got distracted as usual and that nap never happened. so we opened presents, watched movies and started to make dinner. i've noticed that the older i get, the less it really feels like it should be christmas. maybe because the time goes by a lot quicker and it's hard to believe that a whole year really has gone by. maybe it's the fact that i expect to be cold and not have to turn the AC on in the car... ha, that could definitely have something to do with it. the weather is still pretty sick.. dark and drizzly and gross. hate it.
anyway... i've quickly adjusted back to the busy life- and when i say busy i just mean working.. cause work doesn't really keep me too busy. i actually had to work on christmas eve- who does that?? it was an even slower day than usual so they let us go at about 3:30. oh well. but i have a few days off and there's not really anybody around, so i'm bored! i finally got to spend time with sam yesterday. if you've ever gotten me to really open up to you, you know that there aren't many people in my life that i really talk to and tell everything to. mostly because most people aren't good listeners. most people have the instinct to relate a personal story and "trump" yours. i hate that. usually when i talk, i talk to vent, not to ask for advice. it's hard to find people that understand that. so anyway, she's one of those people that i really talk to- it was nice just to get caught up on each other's lives..
this week should be good times.. i'm going to charleston for new years eve. then that weekend is the ski trip! i'm excited about that.. not so much about the having to drive up by myself though... i'm not a fan of long drives alone.. but it will be worth it!

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