Tuesday, October 20, 2009

can you name that late 90's pop music reference?

let's please talk for a second about how much i hate this cold weather. i'll be really honest with you- i'm an incredibly sweaty person. so you'd think that i would love cold weather. wrong. sweaters just make me hot and and itchy and uncomfortable. and we all know the story of sitting in church where it is about 98 degrees inside and 20 below outside. am i right, or am i right? so heat (other than heat from the sun) makes me feel like i'm suffocating. which brings me to my car. the inside of a car on a brisk morning is no ray of sunshine. but once the heat finally decides to grace me with its presence, i literally feel like a pillow is being shoved over my face and i can't breathe. so off goes that heat. anyway, so since it has been so cold in the mornings lately, my car has felt the need to make the most wretched of noises when accelerating or idling (at least, this is what my dad has told me is the reason. i think my car is thinking of suicide and is just trying to prepare me for it). anyway, so i come home from work and throw on a hoodie, wrap up in blankets and lay on the couch for three hours. i literally don't move at all. straight up paralyzed. (which reminds me of sleep paralysis. i will never forgive you R&B for bringing that crap into my life!!) so yes, i wrapped up in a blanket cocoon and watched Hercules. ummm can i just say that that is not one of disney's best? i really thought i liked it... falling asleep half way through might have caused me to miss the good parts, but really. does anyone like that movie? enough complaining.

i really like finding different photographers websites and looking through their portfolios. i found one today that i love love love. it's called kickstand studio. i don't know all the photography terms to tell you why i like it, but i just do. i think it might have a lot to do with the fact that it's local so i recognize a lot of the places where sessions were shot. that AND i recognize a few of the people in the pictures too. looking through this portfolio made me realize that i'm strangely drawn to shots with interesting couches or chairs placed in obscure places. why??

so now i'm watching tarzan and the opening is blessing my ears with phil collins' beautiful voice. (we went through old vhs tapes the other day and i pulled out a few that i wanted to watch before we got rid of them. that's what's up with my random disney watching...) anyway, is it weird that i love mr. collins? am i the only one?

1 comment:

Heather said...

No ma'am, you are not the only one who loves Phil Collins. I do, too! And while Hercules may not be one of Disney's best, Tarzan is!! We had it in the other day and Nathan loved the "trashin the camp" scene! Oh, and he was also fascinated when Tarzan was teaching Jane how to speak Gorilla.